Jean-Marie Mariotti Center

PIONIER Data Reduction Software (PNDRS)

PIONIER is a H-band 4-beam combiner instrument at the VLT interferometer.

Details about the PIONIER instrument can be found the ESO website or on its home page at IPAG.

This page details and gives access to the download pages of PNDRS.

Scientific and technical background of the PIONIER data reduction software are described in the papers

Documentation & Support

If you needs help in using/installing this software, please contact the JMMC user-support


If this software was helpful in your research, please use this acknowledgement.


PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE ONLY IF YOU ARE REGISTERED ON JMMC USER ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT PAGE. This will ensure that you are kept informed about software's upgrades or bug fixing.

If you are not yet registered, please fill the right form onto the jmmc user account management page.. You will quickly receive your password by mail. This password will be required, with your e-mail address, to access to the download page (see above).