Jean-Marie Mariotti Center

Who are we ?

The JMMC is a network of French Partner Laboratories with interferometric expertise, with Headquarters at IPAG. The JMMC is the "Pôle de traitement des données interférométriques IR/Visible" of INSU.

A non exhaustive list of the instruments concerned by the center is:

Our mission

The JMMC coordinates the efforts of the Partner Laboratories to offer all the potential users of interferometric facilities the best operational environment. The mission of JMMC is threefold and consists in:

  • develop, produce, document and maintain the software necessary for the exploitation and the follow-up of new interferometric equipments, especially the VLTI.
  • stimulate and coordinate the academic formation of non specialists.
  • participate to the prospective around new interferometric instruments.

The main activity of JMMC, besides prospective and training, is software oriented system analysis and software development. We cover the whole range of services before and after acquiring the interferometric data, as pictured below.

A Bit of History...

In September 2000, the Jean-Marie Mariotti Center (JMMC, also known as Mariotti Center) was formally appointed by the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers (INSU). Its creation results from a ten years action by the Programme National de Haute Resolution Angulaire, supported by the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (LAOG) and the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA). At the end of 2012 an agreement has been signed by the 6 partners untill end of 2017 to define its structure and missions.

  • Since 2001, the JMMC is an Observing Service of INSU
  • 2003-2010: the JMMC is the GdR 2596 (Groupement de Recherche) of the CNRS
  • 2004-2008: the JMMC coordinates the software part of the OPTICON european project JRA4.
  • since 2012: the JMMC is established by convention between 4 French Universities, INSU and ONERA.