Pre release of the Aspro2 
Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the availability on the JMMC webpage of a pre-release version of Aspro2, our new observation preparation software.

Aspro2 provides the user with a highly dynamic graphical interface, does not depend on any network connection to work, and has sufficient new interesting features (such as creating Observing Blocks for VLTI and CHARA, or its ability to save/restore your work in progress), that we consider it would be useful to share it with you, even if it is still a work in progress.

A feature comparison between Aspro software versions is also available on the JMMC webpage to see main differences : for example, Aspro 2 does not have a visibility explorer yet.

As usual, we will be more than happy to get comments and/or bugs, especially through the new feedback mechanism present in Aspro2.

Best regards,

On the behalf of the JMMC Aspro Group,
Gilles Duvert & Laurent Bourgès

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Aspro updated to Period 87 values 
As the title says, Aspro (one should say 'old Aspro', since Aspro2 is now in prerelease) has been updated to cope with baselines, limiting magnitudes, etc... described in the ESO call for Proposal for Period 87. It retains however the previous setups back to period 84.
Gilles Duvert

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New database of publications 
In addition to the list of papers handled by Olbin, you can get the list of papers which cite the JMMC

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amdlib V3 released 
Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the JMMC AMBER data reduction working group, I am pleased to announce the release of the version 3.0 of the AMBER data processing package.

You can find it on the JMMC website at: together with an installation guide, a user's manual and demo data/script.

This release contains major modifications of the C-library which implements the AMBER optimized data reduction by Chelli, Hernandez Utrera, and Duvert (2009, A&A 502, 705). The release notes are available at this address: ... _wrt_versi

The Yorick interface has evolved to be more user-friendly with a default data processing procedure. The User's Manual has been updated and contains most of the information needed by beginners.

If you have any question related to this AMBER Data Reduction Software release, please contact the JMMC User's Support

We wish you all the best,

F. Malbet, G. Duvert, F. Millour, J.-B. Le Bouquin, G. Mella

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JSDC - a new catalog of computed stellar angular diameters 
We are pleased to make the announcement that a new all-sky catalogue of computed stellar angular diameters (JSDC) is now available online on the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) server : ... rce=II/300

The present catalogue contains stellar angular diameter for about 38500 bright stars (Vmag < 12.2, Kmag <11.5) obtained from an automated SearchCal results aggregation on the whole sky. For each star are given, the value of the limb-darkened angular diameter computed using a surface brightness method as well as the values of the uniform disk angular diameters estimated for the photometric bands B, V, R, I, J, H and K. Reference: "Building the 'JMMC Stellar Diameters Catalog' using SearchCal", Lafrasse et al., SPIE Conf. on Astronomical Instrumentation (2010)

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BadCal online 
The JMMC bad interferometric calibrators catalogue is now
available online on our server:

Your feedback is very welcome in order to improve this first version and to feed it.

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Invisible selection for the color of the file browser 
If you do not see any changes after some clicks into the filechoosers, some users get a better display using a different color map.
cp .../yorick/g/ $HOME/.gist/
After this change, the selected files should be underlined or with a different background color.

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"another instrument with same name already exists" error with LITpro V1.1 
If you encouter the error "another instrument with same name already exists", you probably have built one settings with multiple oifits files. It is actually one limitation of the internal engine which should be fixed soon. To be able to fit such settings files, you actually need to modify manually the name INSNAME keywords of each given files. It must be done in all the OI_VIS, OI_VIS2, OI_T3 plus the corresponding OI_WAVELENGTH tables. Each values must be different to be fitted by LITpro. Apologize for the actual limitation. We are working on this issue for the next releases.

An alternative is to merge multiple oifits files into a single file. This can be done using the oifitslib software available at the following address:

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ERROR : ghostscript bounding box not found Can't get chi2map plot 
If you encounter this problem for the "plot 1D chi2" and "plot 2D chi2" actions, you probably have bounds problems. Please check that your parameters have compatible minimum and maximum limits.

This bug affects the Version 1.0.4.

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Iper: a simple tool to fit OIFITs data with a uniform disk 
During the last IAU conference in August 2009, the Optical and
Infrared Interferometry Commission (C54) raised a few questions
(get the whole story on

One of them was :
"Is there a command line tool to throw at an OIFITS file to do a
simple uniform disk fit?"

Well, now, there is. Just "call Iper"

This simple tool allows you to rapidly see if your set of squared
visibilities is fitted or not by a uniform disk.

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