New V3.0.7 release for AmberDrs  
This release comes with major fixes (on recent linux ) and some configuration updates. Please read the release note for more details.

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New V3.0.6 release for AmberDrs  
This release comes with major fixes and some configuration updates. Please read the release note for more details.

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New V3.0.5 release for AmberDrs  
This minor release has no new feature but fixes a compilation problem on MacOS and provides a binary package for Mountain Lion.
In the meantime, the user manual has been updated with a new paragraph on spectal shifts.

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New Amberdrs release  
Please read the release notes of the new public release of amberdrs V3.0.2.

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amdlib V3 released 
Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the JMMC AMBER data reduction working group, I am pleased to announce the release of the version 3.0 of the AMBER data processing package.

You can find it on the JMMC website at: together with an installation guide, a user's manual and demo data/script.

This release contains major modifications of the C-library which implements the AMBER optimized data reduction by Chelli, Hernandez Utrera, and Duvert (2009, A&A 502, 705). The release notes are available at this address: ... _wrt_versi

The Yorick interface has evolved to be more user-friendly with a default data processing procedure. The User's Manual has been updated and contains most of the information needed by beginners.

If you have any question related to this AMBER Data Reduction Software release, please contact the JMMC User's Support

We wish you all the best,

F. Malbet, G. Duvert, F. Millour, J.-B. Le Bouquin, G. Mella

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Evelyne Altariba leaves the JMMC 
After 3 years of fruitful collaboration on AMBER, WIZARD and OIVAL, Evelyne is moving on other subjects. We thank her again for all the good work, and hope she will enojoy her new position !

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amdlib v3 released for beta-testers 
On friday Oct 17, amdlib v3.0-Beta1 has been distributed to the beta-tester group. This is a major change in the amber DRS software. More onthe releases page.

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