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October 03, 2024

OImaging version 1.0.6

  • Features:
    • Fixed handling of queud jobs (server reached max server jobs, then queued for execution as soon as a cpu is available).
    • Handle new preference to set a custom server: dns name or ip address or localhost.
    • Added the toogle button 'Beam' on image panels to show or hide the beam info (displayed in its tooltip)
    • Modified the beam estimation to use distinct spatial frequencies from both OI_VIS and OI_VIS2 tables
    • Implemented the beam estimation based on the OIBEAM document ( using UV coordinates (VIS2) that is displayed as an ellipse (rx, ry, position angle) on both input and resut images

Aspro2 version 24.09.1

  • Features:
    • Added GetStar action to the main panel and Edit menu
    • Updated SearchCal / GetStar information retrieval (G flux, IDS)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Checked potential numerical precision issues in Complex.getArgument()
    • Fixed annoying reset of target's H.A. constraints when the target editor is used.

September 12, 2024

Aspro2 version 24.09

  • Features:
    • Added link to the aspro-conf and aspro-conf-contrib repositories in the 'Configuration Manager'
    • Made the 'Configuration Manager' available in all ASPRO2 versions
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed the model description of ring models (external diameter)

Last updated:
October 16, 2024 12:15 AM
All times are UTC.

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